Evola&Lings titles

The following titles added to Virtual Library:

By Julius Evola

‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;

by Martin Lings

Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’


, by Kartavirya
  • Even the dress that you wore every day had sacred meanings, and wherever you
    went or whatever you did, you were participating in a sacred life and you knew who you were and carried a sense of the sacred with you. All of the forms had meaning, even the tipi and the sacred circle of the entire camp. Of course the life was hard and difficult and not all Indians followed the rules. But the support of the traditional life and the presence of Nature everywhere brought great blessings on all the people.

    - Yellowtail