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December 17th, 2015

‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library

May 1st, 2014

Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: “The Trap of False History 10 Years On” (with English subtitles) added

November 7th, 2013

‘The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle’ by Bibhu Dev Misra added

October 23rd, 2011

The following titles added to Virtual Library:

By Julius Evola

‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;

by Martin Lings

Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’


Confirmation Bias — The New Conspiracy Theory

What is the difference between confirmation bias and simply confirmation?

If I find a document detailing the agreement between two gangsters to rob a bank, that is reason to look for more proof of this suspected crime. According to this new concept of confirmation bias I’m now supposed to look for evidence that disproves my suspicion. If I don’t then I’m guilty of confirmation bias, and since that’s a psychological tendency — a flaw “we all are guilty of” — it’s dismissed as… a conspiracy theory.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metapolitics | Leave a comment

My assertion that today there is no political system, no formation, and no party whatsoever worth devoting oneself to, and that everything existing must be denied, has disconcerted many. However, this denial and non-commitment do not derive from a lack of principles, but from the possession of principles, which are precise, solid and not subject to compromise.

- Julius Evola

From the archives

  • Basic ConceptsMetapolitics

    Inequality Before the Law is Natural & Proper to Man

    Men are not equal. Some are therefore rightly more authoritative, more influential, and more important than others. The law ought to recognize this reality – and it does. The question is not whether it does recognize this reality, then, but whether it does so justly.
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    War Protocols

    This article is used by kind permission from the author Karlo Z.Valois. Perhaps the most recent texts outlining the kind of war protocol we are now addressing is Budo Shoshinsu, a collection of the most authentic moral teachings of the Japanese knights, written in the 16th Century for young samurais to teach them the foundations of bushido, “the spiritual path of the warrior”. The teachings concern the appropriate perception of death (as an opportunity for transcendence, which is apparent in everyday behavior, [...]
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  • Metahistory

    The Trap of False History

    When Heribert Illig developed his theory known as the Phantom Time theory he drew his arguments mainly from the history of the Western part of Europe. He drew attention to the immense amounts of forged documents that remains from the Carolingian empire, the Palatine Chapel of Aachen with its architectural features preceding its own time by several centuries, the extraordinary calendar correction of pope Gregory XIII and the conspicuous and inexplicable lack of any archaeological findings, being typical for the [...]
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  • Basic Concepts

    Modesty, Intimacy and Routine

    This article is entirely written by Karlo Z. Valois and is used by kind permission. People today live in a world that lacks any trace of modesty, intimacy and is build mostly on routine. Routine is the visible cause of the other two factors. If we don’t look at the situation linearly, but from a point of view that precedes all three elements, it is rationalism and a material weltanschauung that stems from the general tendency of involution, that could be [...]
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  • Basic Concepts

    About The Term “Traditional Authors” by Róbert Horváth

    The following text is entirely written by Róbert Horváth and is used by permission. The most eminent of the authors named “traditionalists” or “perennialists” are called “traditional authors” in Hungary. In this context, this latter expression should obviously be comprehended as contemporary, 20th or 21st century traditional authors. From the spiritual perspective – since traditionality […]
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  • Basic Concepts

    Style Elements of Negative Tendencies

    The following text is entirely written by Karlo Z Valois and is used by permission. 1. The War In the current era there’s a constant war between the superior and the inferior. Peace is achieved only by intellectual dominance, where hierarchical integration is perfect and the inferior, according to its degree of distance from the pure (formless) intellect is positioned appropriately. We can only talk about inferiority from the stand point of the superior. The superior, realizing a range of potentials unavailable to the [...]
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