Men are not equal. Some are therefore rightly more authoritative, more influential, and more important than others. The law ought to recognize this reality – and it does. The question is not whether it does recognize this reality, then, but whether it does so justly.
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Recent updates:
December 17th, 2015‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library
May 1st, 2014Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: “The Trap of False History 10 Years On” (with English subtitles) added
November 7th, 2013‘The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle’ by Bibhu Dev Misra added
October 23rd, 2011The following titles added to Virtual Library:
By Julius Evola
‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;
by Martin Lings
Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’
To thine ownself be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
- Shake-speare, Hamlet, Act 1 scene 3
From the archives
Basic Concepts
Basic Ascesis and Purification
How can a person find the path to and begin their spiritual journey in this day and age of degeneration, corruption, spiritual darkness and universal lie? The problem of where to begin is the most common problem for almost all people today and is the first excuse not to do what needs to be done. This is true of the most mundane and simple tasks of everyday life as well as the most profound and sublime metaphysical tasks. How many [...]
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Traditional Metaphysics
Contemplations on the Concept of Spiritual Aristocracy
How could I possibly prove facts. Facts can only be indicated. Otto Weininger The belief that Science and Ratio is superior to Traditional and ancient knowledge confirms the belief in an evolutionary progress for the better, which is a typical sign of intellectual and spiritual stagnation. Anyone with eyes can see the fact of spiritual, […]
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South American Natives Speak Ancient European Language? Part 1
“Juan (János) Moricz, our compatriot, met in Ecuador, Peru and the Amazonas such Indian tribes the members of which he could speak Hungarian with. In their legends they keep the awareness and knowledge of their many thousands of years’ old past and their kinship and connections with other peoples alive. Nobody has been able to refute Moricz’ discoveries, on the contrary, the Spanish for political and economical reasons have levelled heavy attacks against Moricz.”
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Sacred Art
Interview with Peter Brook
Peter Stephen Paul Brook CBE, director, filmmaker, author, painter, pianist and theater man to the bone, is a giant of world culture. Born on the spring equinox in 1925, Brook produced an acclaimed Faust at Oxford at 17 and at 20 became the youngest-ever director of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. He has since directed over 40 major stage productions, created ten films, and with multiple stage, cinema and television versions returned the dramaturgically languishing gods of India’s Mahabharata to full-time [...]
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The Trap of False History
When Heribert Illig developed his theory known as the Phantom Time theory he drew his arguments mainly from the history of the Western part of Europe. He drew attention to the immense amounts of forged documents that remains from the Carolingian empire, the Palatine Chapel of Aachen with its architectural features preceding its own time by several centuries, the extraordinary calendar correction of pope Gregory XIII and the conspicuous and inexplicable lack of any archaeological findings, being typical for the [...]
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The Illusion Of Democracy
Most people think of democracy as being “good”. It represents everything which most people consider valuable and precious. The modern mass media uses democracy as a label for ideas, values and principles they consider “right”. Often one sees and hears people say things like “it is my democratic right”, or “it is everyone’s democratic duty” – to vote, for example. “Sound democratic values” is another cryptic expression often used by everyone from world leaders and influencial businessmen to journalists [...]
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