The Force of Visualization

Projection of One’s Reality

What is visualization?
What does this term actually signify?
The most usual and common interpretation of the meaning of visualization is the ability to create images and materialize them in the physical world and sometimes also in using this method to be able to affect other people in different ways. Let us analyze the true signification of the word ‘Visualization’. Visualization is the same as projecting something, and what are we projecting?1 We project what we perceive or believe to be the reality; what we believe to be true or false and in the process of “living” the physical or spiritual knowledge one may have, in spite of on what level of progress one finds oneself; conscious or unconscious, is the process of visualization. Projecting reality is living it and it is a very natural process. When speaking of what kind of effect visualization can have directly or indirectly on one self and others, is really a matter of from what level of consciousness one operates.

To visualize something negative is something most people can perform, since most people are on a very low level in their consciousness, therefore if one believes something negative, and that it is happening, through visualization, one will manifest it in the material world; and thus one may create what one did not want. This is something that we will return to later in this text. Visualization is used in the New-Age movement as a healing method, but the concept of healing somebody’s interior with positive energies in the form of images is an absurdity. Nobody can heal anyone through this principle. Inner work can only be done by one self using different tools, of which we will mention later. Just because one believes that one has the ability to “heal” or that somebody else tells you that it has occurred; that they have been healed by a person’s “healing abilities” does not necessarily mean that it has actually taken place. It can only serve indirectly as an inspiration to “work on oneself.” To be able to have a “positive,” deeper and direct effect on people of this world, one must be on a higher level in ones spiritual development. To be able to perform this task, to reach the highest level of man, the part of us which sometimes is called ‘The Eye of the Heart’ is what will enable us to reach the highest domain i.e. to be in contact with the metaphysical world. As stated before a man’s different stages or levels in his spiritual development has different frequencies of vibration, i.e. effect on himself and the world.

Athletes often use visualization in setting their goal(s), and focusing on the way or the method to reach this goal and an important part of this process is to create positive thinking; to associate obstacles with something positive and necessary to learn, grow and to achieve ones goal(s), whatever those may be. Concerning the athletes, visualization is used on a low level, since it is merely a mental process of setting a goal, planning how to get there and actually obtaining it. Visualization in this particular case serves as a powerful way to shape the personality to develop such qualities as patience, thoroughness, temperance or discipline, to be able to reach their final goal. This may have an indirect positive effect on other people, because it serves as an inspiration that “anything is possible if we put our mind to it” and even if the goal is an egoistic one it is still for the highest good, since it provides us with life-experiences, which is the very purpose of our existence on this planet. They are important and obviously necessary on the way to realization and we all have been given the opportunity by the good One, to grow in our own chosen pace.

Also artistic creativity, as for instance in the case of composers, painters, architects etc. “hears” or “sees” what is to be created before they actually start to work on the piece of work in question. Composers often have the sensation of receiving the music in their head; they have a sensation of a “flow” and it is almost as if they are not the ones who are composing the music, but are merely receiving it and writing it or editing it down on paper, so to speak. Artistic work apart from serving as a kind of ritual; a meditation, can have a deep effect on other people, often just emotionally, but also- if the artist is granted the gift of having a great talent- a somewhat more profound effect on a man’s interior world. Through music we can get in contact with something more essential, the contact with the very kernel of our origin. The higher one reaches in ones spiritual development, as said earlier, the higher frequencies the artists work will contain. For instance, in G. Verdi’s two last operas Othello and Falstaff, based on the works of W. Shakespeare, brilliantly put together in librettos by the very gifted composer A. Boito, one can hear and experience the difference in the quality of those works, compared to Verdi’s earlier works and it has a greater impact and it can have an immediate effect. One can also hear this quality in J.S. Bach’s music, which has this core of higher vibrations and this high level of vibration may have a direct effect and it can be called ‘Sacred Music’. All the abilities as intelligence, talents or gifts are being granted and given to us by the superior creator, through the universal Mind, which we are able to “tap” into in order to create.

  1. C.G. Jung spoke about these matters in his concept of projecting on the outside world what is actually on the inside and that this projection often is unconscious, but can naturally also be conscious. However, we do not agree with his concept of “the collective unconsciousness” which he claims to have its “deepest” origin in the psyche (soul) i.e. the physical. We believe Jung actually in this denies and reduces man’s origin to mere psychology or nature and in so doing disparages man of his divinity in belonging to and being created out of the original Divine Source. []
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  • A barbarian people cannot understand the basic concept of the higher culture it destroyed because they are not capable to grasp the inherent connections of that culture and so it attempts to consciously discredit it.

    - Endre K. Grandpierre