Author Archives: Kartavirya

Knowledge of the Symbol by Pietro Negri

According to Dante (Convivium, II, 1), ” texts can be understood and expounded according to four senses”: the literal sense; the allegorical sense, which Dante says, “is a truth concealed behind a beautiful lie’; the moral sense; and the anagogical sense. The anagogical sense occurs when “reading in a spiritual way a scriptural passage, which in its literal meaning and in the things being signified points toward the things of eternal glory”; in other words, it is the innermost meaning of a text that, even when it has a literal sense, deals with topics of a spiritual nature. (…) Dante calls this anagogical sense “super-sense.” An-agogy means “to lead” or “to carry upwards,” or “to elevate.” Moreover, when employed as a technical naval term, it designates the act of weighing anchor and sailing away. Metaphorically speaking, when it is referred to spiritual topics, anagogy therefore indicates spiritual elevation or a rising up from the earth. In the symbolism of “navigators,” it designates leaving that “earth” or terra firma to which human beings are tenaciously anchored, in order to hoist the sails and to find a strong current, heading toward the open sea.

Dante was referring to the writing of “poets,” although the distinction of the four senses may undoubtedly be applied to sacred and initiatic writings and to any means of expression and representation of spiritual facts and doctrines. According to this distinction, the “super-sense” in every type of symbolism is always the anagogical sense. The full understanding of symbols consists in the perception of the anagogical sense concealed in them; if anagogically understood and employed, they may even contribute to spiritual elevation. In this sense, symbols are endowed with an anagogic virtue.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Sacred Art, Traditional Metaphysics | Leave a comment

Aristocracy And The Meaning Of Class Rule

There is a great and pressing need today in general for a new and genuine aristocracy, especially among the European peoples and nations. Over the past centuries the old aristocracy has declined, degenerated, lost sight of its guiding Principle and has finally been destroyed by both intrinsic and extrinsic forces. Today we can hardly talk of there existing any true aristocracy. There exists a hierarchy which has been subverted and infiltrated, leading to “counter-aristocrats” sitting on key positions of power. (…) If we are to survive this present Götterdämmerung we will have to recover our guiding sacred and traditional principles that once, in our ancient past, gave rise to that true and genuine aristocracy that built all great cultures as reflections Below of that which is Above and filled them with the Light of the Divine.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metapolitics | Leave a comment

Sherds of Physis Shattered by Dr. Andreas Wolfsson

A physicist’s testimony on physics, modern & post-modern physics

Having been functioning in this field for some twelve years and hence given the possibility to observe much of its internal workings, in this our treatise Sherds of Physis Shattered, we wish to expose some typical conceptual features of physics, the queen of modern sciences, and as such obviously one of the most prominent shapers of the modern world and Weltanschauung.

Our goal is to present a multi-lateral criticism of physics, one which by its very nature through physics pertains to the whole of modern science. We adopt the methodology that as the paper proceeds, we continuously descend to more and more particular perspectives. Hence, while the character of the paper is a polemical, somewhat pamphlet-like scientific counter-propaganda, this methodology allows us to expose the painful narrowness of the modern scientific mentality, its inherently anti-intellectual and anti-spiritual nature, and the self-destruction – self-demolition of science as it is realised in the post-modern era.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Traditional Metaphysics | Leave a comment

Symbols And The Interpretation of Symbols: Two articles by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

SYMBOLS and signs, whether verbal, musical, dramatic or plastic, are means of communication. The references of symbols are to ideas and those of signs to things. (…) The language of traditional art—scripture, epic, folklore, ritual, and all the related crafts—is symbolic; and being a language of natural symbols, neither of private invention, nor established by conciliar agreement or mere custom, is a universal language. The symbol is the material embodiment, in sound, shape, colour or gesture as the case may be, of the imitable form of an idea to be communicated, which imitable form is the formal cause of the work of art itself. It is for the sake of the idea, and not for its own sake, that the symbol exists: an actual form must be either symbolic – of its reference, or merely an unintelligible shape to be liked or disliked according to taste. (…) The scholar of symbols is often accused of “reading meanings” into the verbal or visual emblems of which he proposes an exegesis. On the other hand, the aesthetician and art historian, himself preoccupied with stylistic peculiarities rather than with iconographic necessities, generally avoids the problem altogether; in some cases perhaps, because an iconographic analysis would exceed his capacities. We conceive, however, that the most significant element in a given work of art is precisely that aspect of it which may, and often does, persist unchanged throughout millennia and in widely separated areas; and the least significant, those accidental variations of style by which we are enabled to date a given work or even in some cases to attribute it to an individual artist.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Sacred Art | Leave a comment

Interview with Michelangelo Naddeo

Michelangelo Naddeo, Italian researcher, believes that the first civilization in Europe had already appeared in the Neolithic and it belonged to the ancient people living in the Carpathian Basin, the Hungarians. (…) The Indo-Europeanists will probably be shocked even by the thought of their common history having been called into question. What led you to this theory, which is very likely to astound the people of our country? In fact, in your next book, which is about to appear, you state nothing less than that we are the most ancient inhabitants of Europe…

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metahistory | 5 Responses
  • If the soul is really immortal, what care should be taken of her, not only in respect of the portion of time which is called life, but of eternity! And the danger of neglecting her from this point of view does indeed appear to be awful.

    - Plato (Phaedo, 107 C)