Author Archives: Kartavirya

Predictions for the Age of Kali

Foreseeing the incompetence of the people in this age of Kali, or the iron age of quarrel, great sages and saintly people throughout the ages have sought to benefit the general mass of people by revealing to them the knowledge contained in the scriptures, whereby they may attain relief from the inflictions of this most degraded and dangerous of all ages.

Elaborate description of the anomalies of Kali-yuga and the plight of the living entities is given in the Srimad Bhagavatam.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Basic Concepts, Traditional Metaphysics | 3 Responses

The Relations Between Religion and Art

This article was written by Arthur Osborne and is taken from the January 1964 edition of the journal ‘Mountain Path’ available at Despite the secular spirit which swept over Europe at the Renaissance and has spread to the rest of the world in the present century, it would still be true to say that […]

, by Kartavirya Posted in Sacred Art | Leave a comment

South American Natives Speak Ancient European Language? Part 1

“Juan (János) Moricz, our compatriot, met in Ecuador, Peru and the Amazonas such Indian tribes the members of which he could speak Hungarian with. In their legends they keep the awareness and knowledge of their many thousands of years’ old past and their kinship and connections with other peoples alive. Nobody has been able to refute Moricz’ discoveries, on the contrary, the Spanish for political and economical reasons have levelled heavy attacks against Moricz.”

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metahistory | 24 Responses

Basic Ascesis and Purification

How can a person find the path to and begin their spiritual journey in this day and age of degeneration, corruption, spiritual darkness and universal lie? The problem of where to begin is the most common problem for almost all people today and is the first excuse not to do what needs to be done. This is true of the most mundane and simple tasks of everyday life as well as the most profound and sublime metaphysical tasks. How many times have we heard smokers say, when they know they are poisoning themselves: “yes, I know, but I like it,” or “yes, but it tastes so good”? How many times have we heard drinkers of mass-produced, artificial soft drinks full of toxins say: “I know it’s poison, but I drink it anyway,” or “you have to have a vice of some kind”?

Those who say they know but they do not act accordingly in fact do not know what they claim to know.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Basic Concepts | 1 Response

Contemplations on the Concept of Spiritual Aristocracy

How could I possibly prove facts. Facts can only be indicated. Otto Weininger The belief that Science and Ratio is superior to Traditional and ancient knowledge confirms the belief in an evolutionary progress for the better, which is a typical sign of intellectual and spiritual stagnation. Anyone with eyes can see the fact of spiritual, […]

, by Kartavirya Posted in Traditional Metaphysics | 3 Responses
  • Now in the days of Cronos (the Golden Age) there existed a law respecting the destiny of man, which has always been, and still continues to be in Heaven,—that he who has lived all his life in justice and holiness shall go, when he is dead, to the Islands of the Blessed, and dwell there in perfect happiness out of the reach of evil; but that he who has lived unjustly and impiously shall go to the house of vengeance and punishment, which is called Tartarus.


    - Plato (Gorgias, 523 A)